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2022 Wrapped Up: Five Key Lessons We Have Learned In the Past 12 Months

Our most successful year yet is slowly coming to an end…🥂

This year has brought many exciting projects, new opportunities, satisfied clients, and great colleagues. We have forged new partnerships that have often grown into friendships, and expanded our reach into places we never dreamed of. It has been an exceptionally successful year and we cannot be happier to have it shared with you!

As 2022 slowly comes to a close, it is an excellent opportunity to look back and reflect on the past year. But, instead of listing all the things that we have accomplished in 2022, we want to look back at some key lessons that we have learned along the way. So, let’s dig in:

  • When organizing a public meeting, you need to specify to bring reading glasses and hearing aids on the invitations if you expect to get people engaged.
  • When invited to speak at a conference in the Arctic, you better dress warm! Locals enjoy exposing guest speakers on an outside ice stage, while the audience enjoys the speech from the warm interior.
  • Participation coordinators can acquire solid participation know-how and skills in just 6 months if they are in teams of three – something that can last three times longer for coordinators who are alone to pioneer the participation agenda in their local government institutions.
  • Engaging elementary school children between the ages of six and eleven can be challenging. There is always a lot of distraction. Nevertheless, if they are currently not rolling pieces of paper and pretending they are joints, they can actually learn and practice basic participatory methods such as voting and prioritization just within 30 minutes.
  • When designing a project that aims to resolve a global problem don’t forget to think globally, but act locally! Unfortunately, we only have limited resources and capacities. This is why it is important to set up projects that are realistic in scope, yet meaningful and beneficial for the daily lives of people. At the end of the day, small changes contribute to a resolution of big issues.

We hope to step into the new year with fresh energy and we are already looking forward to working with you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


PF team