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Mr C. is back in action: we collected suggestions for the future development of the village of Poříčany

The third weekend in June was dedicated to the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Poříčany Fire Brigade. The programme included competitions, concerts, and even a first aid course. But not only that. We brought our participation container to the village, where we collected suggestions for the area’s future development. A total of 70 citizens visited the container and left countless valuable comments and ideas.

We let the citizens of Poříčany comment on four basic topics – the amenities of the village, the care for nature and greenery, public space, and the cultural and social life in the village. People could also mark suggestions on a printed map and fill out worksheets.

Most suggestions were accumulated for the topics of village amenities and public space. Residents in the village lack a proper village square that could be used for gathering, as well as, for example, a home for the elderly, a swimming pool, playgrounds or cycle paths leading to neighbouring villages. They would also like to see a community hall or a pub in the future. 

We are now processing all the suggestions and will present the results of the participation activities in September by once more using the participation container. The outputs will serve the municipal management as a basis for updating the strategic plan of the municipality as well as for commissioning an architectural and urban planning study for the revitalisation of the local Dřevona wood processing plant.

Do you have plans for change in your community and don’t know how to effectively involve citizens and get their opinions? Do you need help with the design of a participatory process for your project? Contact us at info@participationfactory.com.