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Elementary School Students are Shaping the Future of Landscapes Through Participation

Participatory School Budgeting: What are the Differences Across the V4 Countries?

How to Design Solutions to Global Problems in 10 Days

What Are the Priorities and Needs of the Members of Regional Hub?

Top Five Things to Know about Civic Tech Before You Start

Participation as a pathway to drinking water: engaging the public in the developing countries

People Powered Regional Hub: An International Network of Participation Practitioners Expands to our Region

Environmental Education, Social Services or Open Data: How Far Does the Agenda of Participation Coordinators in Slovakia Go

For the first time in the Czech Republic, participation will be a part of a large-scale transportation project

The Phenomenon of Old Department Stores: the Battle between the Past and the Present

Gender-Responsive Budgeting: Assessing Budgets Through a Gender Lens

How public participation and civic tech can help fight corruption

How to Promote a Positive Attitude Towards Innovation: Interview with Bob Kartous (part 2)

Young People Must Not Fear Failure, Says Bob Kartous, Director of the Prague Innovation Institute

The Role of Stakeholder Participation in Sustainable Development Policies

5 Common Mistakes When Organizing Public Meetings

Quo Vadis, Romale? How the Prešov Region is Moving Towards Better Integration of Roma Communities

Participation and Sustainable Urbanization: Lessons Learned from the World Urban Forum 

ActNow Conference Offers Space to the Ukrainian Mayors to Discuss Their Experience and Needs

Public Participation as the Main Pillar for Strategic Planning: the Case of the Prague 3 District