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Deliberation on the Future of Breda Started and Facilitators Learned a Lot Along the Way

Involving the Community in Urban Revitalization: Shaping the Future of Mže Riverbank in Pilsen

Queer Inclusion and Equality During this Pride Month… and All Year Long

Participation will bring new life to the Breda department store

Citizens’ Assemblies to be Advocated by Coordinators Worldwide

The Pandemic Has Significantly Boosted the Usage of Civic Tech Tools: An Interview with Ondřej Švrček, the Founder of Munipolis

War in the Internet Era: How Digital Tools are Helping Ukrainians During the Russian Invasion

What Makes a World Class E-voting Solution? An Interview with Decision 21 Managing Director Dominik Jandl

The Value of Participation for Tourism

Regional Governments in Slovakia are Setting Up Their Own Teams for Participation

Which Digital Participation Tool Is the Best in the World?

How to Engage 800 European Citizens in a Discussion on the Future of Europe

Factory turned 3. Time to reflect!

Prague City Districts Are Successfully Completing Participatory Projects. Interview with Leo Steiner, Coordinator in Zbraslav and Lipence

Facilitating online: How to do it effectively?

The Coordinators of Participatory Planning Pilot Program is almost over: an Interview with the Head of the Participation Office at IPR Prague, Milan Brlík

What Has the Coordinators of Participatory Planning Program Brought to the Coordinators Themselves? Interview with Karel Světlík from the Prague 3 District

An easier way to navigate digital platforms

High schoolers run participation in Kutná Hora

One day in the life of a participation coordinator