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Tech Camp Tbilisi

Location: Tbilisi,
Year: 16 – 18 February 2023
Client: United States Department of State

Tech Camps are three-day events focused on specific topics that bring together key stakeholders working on the subject and interested in bringing in new approaches into their wor. During the program, participants engage in hands-on workshops and training that provide them with the necessary skills for their work in the field. The goal of each Tech Camp is not only to facilitate knowledge transfer and foster collaboration, but also to achieve concrete results such as identifying problems and proposing concrete solutions. At the end of each Tech Camp, these solutions or project ideas are presented, offering participants the opportunity to receive funding to pilot test the winning idea.

The Tech Camp in Tbilisi focused on countering misinformation throughout the Caucasus region. Participation Factory has been invited to suggest a new framework for this Tech Camp with the main goal being to provide participants with the space and support that would allow them generate more actionable ideas. Over the course of three days, the Participation Factory team implemented a methodology called the “production line,” which includes a defined space for idea generation, their further development, and feedback collection from their peers and experts present. In line with this methodology and in response to the issues identified, participants came up with 16 ideas and then presented 10 detailed solutions and products that would allow them to effectively counter misinformation in their work as journalists and educators. For each of these solutions, they defined the target group, the expected impact, the approximate timeframe for implementation, and the required budget. This methodology’s success led the Tech Camp team further embedding a human-centered design approach to their future work.