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How To Revive an Old Cemetery? Start With Participation!

Over the years we have delivered countless projects on PB or strategic plan creation. But doing participation regarding a cemetery? That was our first time. 🙂

The old cemetery Na Skalce in Prague’s Bubeneč district represents a forgotten piece of nature. Its history dates back to 1802 but the place has been dormant for over 130 years. Today, the abandoned and inaccessible grove hardly resembles a cemetery anymore. But that is about to change. Until recently, the premises belonged to the city council and were transferred to the Prague Cemeteries and Funeral Services in 2021 and the idea of revitalising the cemetery was born. The whole process was set in motion two years later.

But how can even such a place be sensitively revived? Revitalization opens up the possibility for the neglected cemetery to acquire a new function while preserving the historical footprint and memory of the site. It is already clear that the cemetery is to be opened to the people. In particular, the creation of a new urban park of local significance will be the main focus of the transformation. However, the specific solution is to be decided in a forthcoming competitive architectural workshop. 

Participation Factory has helped to involve stakeholders and the broad public in the search for a new function for the Na Skalce cemetery. The first participation activity was a guided tour of the site that has been inaccessible and hidden from the sight of passers-by for many years. The public had the opportunity to comment on the revitalisation plan in more detail at a public meeting. It was also important to involve selected local stakeholders, who were invited to round tables. Moreover, input on the future of the cemetery was collected through an online survey to increase engagement. 

The aim of the participation process was not only to identify how the public and local stakeholders perceive the revitalization of the Na Skalce cemetery but also to give people the opportunity to share their own suggestions and ideas regarding its future function. The most important thing for the participants was to preserve the commemorative character of the site and the existing genius loci. However, they were not opposed to the occasional use of the cemetery for appropriate cultural events. Ideally, the cemetery should become a place for peaceful rest, combining the piety of the place with suitable cultural activities.

Do you know about an interesting place that needs revival? Or are you just curious about participation in general? Contact us via info@participationfactory.com!