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Based on years of practical experience with participatory planning in different parts of the world, we have decided to elevate our services even further and share our expertise in a more practical and accessible way. We have therefore developed new products centered around sharing our know-how with you.  

Our products aim to accompany you alongside the way to prepare, implement and evaluate  your own participatory project. Our products are suited for public authorities, participation practitioners, architects, civil society organizations or even private sector and anyone else seeking to engage general public, specific target groups or stakeholders in their project.

Explore the range of our products and see how they can help you to include more participation activities in your work. 

Civic Tech Market Report 2025

Let us introduce you to our new publication Civic Tech Market Report 2025 – a first comprehensive European report on Civic Tech.

Civic Tech Advisory has been part of our services since the company’s beginning. We monitor hundreds of digital tools for e-participation in the European market and we help our clients to select, set up and implement the tool where it is needed. Now is the time to share our know-how with you. With the Report, we aim to equip you with practical knowledge based on our experience in the field, so you can start your digital participation journey on your own.

In the Report, you will find

  • a comprehensive catalogue of 80 tools available on the European market,
  • 10 interviews with leading experts on Civic Tech,
  • market data, trends and insights,
  • practical guides on how to start your digital participation project,
  • case studies, best practices and much more.


Civic Tech Market Report 2025 is available in English as both a hard-copy book and an online platform. For more information about the publication and how to get it visit:

Participate Practically Online Course

Participate Practically is a 10-hour self-paced online course in English about important fundamental aspects of participation. The course is designed to help you plan, launch, administer and evaluate your participation projects. We have developed it together with Democracy Technologies, and the Innovation in Politics Institute and it is based on years of our practical experience with over 300 projects all around the world from Arctic Norway to Sub-Saharan Africa. 

The course covers the following topics:

  • Participation 101,
  • Defining Goals,
  • Scoping Projects,
  • Myths and Assumptions,
  • Targeting Groups and Stakeholders,
  • Participation Methods,
  • Facilitation 101,
  • Civic Tech 101
  • and Monitoring and Evaluation.


At the end of it, you will be able to successfully implement your own participation activities – from mapping out a scope of the project to effectively engaging with citizens and reporting on impact.

For more information about the course and how to get it, visit:

Facilitation Bootcamp

Facilitation Bootcamp is an intensive, hands-on facilitation workshop. The full-day training will help you to start a new career as a facilitator. Even the experienced facilitators will master new skills and techniques! You will have hands-on experience with more complex facilitation methods for public meetings and conducting business meetings.

We will guide you through

  • A comprehensive overview of how to prepare for facilitation
  • A series of warmups, icebreakers and energizers

  • Key facilitation methods and techniques

  • Scenarious of crisis and conflict situations and their resolutions

  • Standards for keeping minutes, writing protocols and reporting

  • Tips for working with space and venue

  • Overview of relevant digital tools

    We will show you in practice different facilitation methods and tools for different types of meetings – from small groups to hundreds of people. You will have an opportunity to walk through practical exercises and experience the role of a facilitator and a participant in a usual public meeting. We don‘t overwhelm you with theory, as we emphasize practice and learning by doing.