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Re/Design of Participation Processes

We will fully plan a participatory process that is tailored to your needs and enables you to achieve your identified goals. We will prepare everything you need from project documentation, to project management, communication plan, appropriate methods, and arrange external suppliers if needed. We will ensure an ideal project setup to obtain the necessary data and reach effective involvement of the given target groups. We pay special attention to effective data collection and strive to ensure that the collected data is reused for other processes and projects.

In almost 10 years of working in the field of participation, our team has gained a wealth of experience in designing, consulting and managing more than 200 participatory projects on 4 continents. We know what we are doing – so you can be confident that we will design participatory processes for you to work in the best possible way!

With us, you can be sure that the process:

  • follows a clear, pre-defined goal,
  • is tailored to the local environment and context,
  • emphasises quality data,is well project-managed,
  • is systematic and contextualised,
  • involves all relevant target groups, including stakeholders,
  • has a well-defined communication strategy,
  • uses appropriate tools (civic tech).

We focus on both short-term and complex long-term processes. The design also includes a monitoring and evaluation component.

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