Logo Participation Factory

Join us on a journey

of designing sustainable, inclusive, data- and consensus-driven governance and decision-making processes that will help you increase the quality of life in your communities. Our work is based on state-of-the-art know-how in the field of public participation, civic engagement, urban planning, and data utilization.


The world of participation and community engagement is very complex and we offer our clients services and products that can answer their needs in such a challenging environment. We will help you to design, implement and evaluate your participation projects. Thanks to years of practical experience we can assist you in building internal teams, as well as to train decision makers and project managers. We will also guide you through the Civic/Dem Tech market in order to find the best solution for you. 

Our Work

Conference on the Future of Europe: a Europe-wide Participatory Process

Tech Camp Tbilisi

“Icebreaker 2022-2023” – Strengthening Arctic Communities through Participation

Deliberative process about National Priorities for Sustainability Development 2050 in Slovakia

Programme for the implementation of the participatory planning agenda in Slovakia

“Panuj Hoře” city participatory budgeting managed by high school students 


Our mission is to share our know-how with you

Partners and Beneficiaries


Exclusive Tease: A Sneak Peek into Oleg Polovynko’s Interview for our Civic Tech Market Report 2025

As we prepare for September 3 for the official launch of our new...

Mr C. is back in action: we collected suggestions for the future development of the village of Poříčany

The third weekend in June was dedicated to the celebration of the 140th...

Creating the conditions for cooperation between the municipality and local stakeholders through a series of participatory workshops 

Before the beginning of the summer, we designed and implemented a participatory process...

First Facilitation Bootcamp in Prague! How did the training on facilitation go and what did the participants learn during the full-day intensive programme?

Chairs and projector are set up, flipcharts are placed in the space along...

About Us

Participation Factory is a social enterprise that mainstreams participation and data-driven approaches into governance and process design. The core of our work is achieving a better quality of life for all and creating an environment for development through better data and meaningful stakeholder engagement. With more than 200 projects on 4 continents designed, consulted, or managed by our team of experts, we help our clients to set up a process that considers both local context and international best practices tested anywhere from New York City, the US to New Delhi, India.

Our vision is to foster an environment of governance and decision-making based on the inclusion of all parts of the society and comprehensive utilization of data available. We strongly believe that a community that runs on a deep understanding of the needs and preferences of all is the one that will continuously increase the quality of life of its members and will produce the most effective and sustainable solutions to any old and new challenges faced by it.

We have successfully helped 12 districts of Prague create a participation infrastructure, and we are currently working with the Ministry of Interior of Slovakia to establish participation coordinators’ teams in 6 regions of Slovakia. We are also engaged in trans-national projects like the Visegrad Youth Participates that support regional actors in mainstreaming School Participatory Budgeting.


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