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Participation and Renewable Energy Sources: The Case of Wind Power 

In the portfolio of energy sources, renewable ones play an increasingly important role. Hand in hand with this development, the discussion on the given topic is growing in society and wind energy is seen more and more in the newspaper headlines. Unfortunately, as with any newly growing debate, many myths accompany the issue in question.  At the same time, there are legislative changes in the Czech Republic, which herald better times for municipalities, citizens, and investors. It is not only for these reasons that the use of participatory methods can be helpful in the field of energy.  

Last year, we were approached by an investor company that wanted to transparently discuss its intention to build wind power plants with affected municipalities and their citizens. Although the media image of similar discussions in other cases has not been encouraging and this was the first time we had come to the topic of wind power plants, we took this task on and approached the assignment methodically, similar to any other project.

In that case, we were invited to facilitate the discussions around an investor’s proposal for the construction of wind power plants specifically in two municipalities in the Pardubice region of the Czech Republic. Each of them had their own specific story. In the village of Anenská Studánka, the municipality and the residents already had some experience with the construction of a wind power plant.  In the village of Vojtěchov the discussion of such a topic was new.

During several participatory meetings, local residents were introduced to various aspects of wind power plants and what cooperation in the construction and operation of the power plant with the investor would mean for their municipality and for themselves. The aim of the participation, among other things, was to analyze in great detail what specific concerns and expectations the residents have about the investor’s proposal. This was achieved with the help of data collection from participatory activities such as a short survey or questionnaire.

Based on the findings, the investment firm was able to better understand how local people think about renewable energy sources and what information is essential for their decision-making about the construction of wind power plants.

The use of a participatory process in facilitating constructive interaction between the investor, the municipality and the citizens proved to be a good choice. Participation has proven to be a useful tool for supporting people’s free and rational decision-making. In both Anenská Studánka and Vojtěchov, the residents expressed their support for the construction of wind power plants in the final phase of the participatory process. The participatory approach helped shed light on the issue of renewable resources among residents and contributed to an open dialogue between the local community and the investor.

Joint meetings, during which the residents were actively involved, helped to dispel myths and prejudices related to wind power plants and gave space for creating a better understanding of how the cooperation between municipalities and investors can work effectively. We are convinced that in the case of planning the construction of wind power plants, the citizens in the affected locations cannot be left out. On the contrary, it is necessary to actively involve them to ensure the success of the whole project.

Despite all the horror pictures of heated conflicts presented in newspaper headlines about wind energy, our participatory approach worked smoothly! Mediating the dialogue between the municipality and citizens on the one hand and the investor on the other made it possible to reach a mutually beneficial agreement and laid the foundation for future cooperation.

Are you planning to build power plants based on renewable resources and need help with participation? Want to learn more about the possibilities of participatory planning? Contact us at info@participationfactory.com.