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Public Space and Landscape

When planning a city, asking an expert to do a sketch is no longer enough. Whether it’s revitalizing a square, redesigning a street, adapting empty buildings for a new use, or creating a landscape plan, the local community and public are expected to be involved in the process.

Projects of this type require mapping key stakeholders in the area and their appropriate involvement through public meetings, focus groups, surveys, validation meetings, civic tech tools, and a range of other methods. Participation will gather input on planning documents and plans directly from those who will be affected by the changes. A participatory approach is particularly crucial in areas with complex issues involving diverse interests.

What can we help with? 

For participation to offer real value to all stakeholders, each process must be tailored to the specific locality, community, and project objectives. 

From designing a participatory process tailored to your needs, setting up project management tools, creating detailed scripts of public meetings, doing surveys, facilitating, and writing protocols, to supporting you in using digital tools for public engagement – we are here to help you engage all relevant stakeholders. We will collect relevant data, whether you are dealing with the preparation of architectural or urban design competitions or other spatial planning processes.

Do you want to learn more?